Johan Petter Johansson Click to see full answer. In this manner, when was the pipe wrench invented?On October 12, 1869, U.S. patent #95,744 was issued to Stillson. On 17 August 1888, the Swedish inventor Johan Petter Johansson (1853-1943) took out his first patent on the adjustable pipe wrench. who uses pipe wrench? One of the most common types of wrench is a pipe wrench. A pipe wrench is mostly used by plumbers. who created the wrench? Solymon Merrick Why do they call a pipe wrench a monkey wrench?That handy tool, the “monkey-wrench”, is not so named because it is a handy thing to monkey with, or for any kindred reason. “Monkey” is not its name at all, Charles Moncky, the inventor of it, sold his patent for $5000, and invested the money in a house in Williamsburg, Kings County, where he now lives.