Great Chaparral In GTA 5

June 2024 · 7 minute read

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Great Chaparral is an area in GTA V located in Los Santos County, San Andreas. It is surrounded by the Grand Senora Desert, Mount Josiah, Harmony and the Zancudo River to the north, the San Chianski Mountain Range to the east, the Tongva Valley and Lago Zancudo to the west and the Vinewood Hills to the south.

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Great Chaparral


Los Santos County, San Andreas



GTA Online

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(The roadways in Great Chaparral)

This region is based on the real-life city of Palmdale in California. Great Chaparral is the area of Los Santos County that lies between the city and the Grand Senora Desert. The part towards Los Santos is greener and has more vegetation along the hills whereas the part towards the Grand Senora Desert is dry with fewer trees and plants visible.

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Great Chaparral appears in the following missions in GTA V

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FAQs about Great ChaparralEdit icon

Q. Where is Great Chaparral in GTA V?

A. Great Chaparral is located in Los Santos County, San Andreas.

Q. What is Great Chaparral in real-life?

A. Great Chaparral is based on the real-life city of Palmdale in California.

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